Why choose us

icona della velocità efficienza e qualità che contraddistinguono il nostro modo di produrre cartone

Promptness and efficiency

Just in time deliveries in Italy and in whole Europe

We have developed a logistic service that allows us to serve our Customers widespread in Italy and in North – central Europe.

The 60% of our production is destined to Italy while the 40% is delivered abroad.

We deliver our cardboard in Germany, Spain, Portugal, England, Netherlands, Hungary, Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic, Turkey, Greece, Slovenia, Macedonia and our network is even expanding.

We are provided with wide stock areas available for temporary storage: our customer sends us an order for the global quantity; we produce it and store it. Then, we deliver it according to a plan that we previously agree with the Customer, who can reduce storage costs and risks, thanks to this solution.

We are distributors in Italy for special laminated cardboard from Dutch production.

icona delle qualità di onestà e trasparenza

Honesty and transparency

Ethical Code

Cartiera Cama S.r.l. and Cartiera Marchigiana are aware of their contribution to the development process of Italian economy and to the growth of a civil Country.

They are two of the most important Company in the national panorama of recycled cardboard processing for the production of rigid boxes. In fact, The Core business of the Company is production of cardboard in sheets – not laminated – destined to the realization of rigid boxes used mainly for shoes, shirts and board games industry.

icona delle certificazioni

ISO 14001 - ISO 50001 - FSC® Certifications

The Cama and Marchigiana paper mills have obtained environmental certifications ISO 14001 and ISO 50001, demonstrating a top priority for the environment in all stages of their operations. They now rely on a certified Environmental Management System to ensure environmental protection and worker health.

icona dell'impegno verso la eco-sostenibilità

Respect for the environment

  • All production is based on top-quality recycled paper, eliminating the need to cut down trees.
  • By reusing waste paper from separate collection, the amount of material sent to landfills is significantly reduced, improving waste disposal processes.
  • We regularly invest in production technologies to reduce environmental impact and improve product quality.
  • Our water purification systems are state-of-the-art, eliminating polluting substances and reducing water consumption.
  • Through monitoring systems, we minimize energy consumption throughout the entire production cycle.