Category: News

BIR Autumn 2022: Energy markets fuel paper mill turmoil

Reduced energy supplies in Europe have caused once profitable paper mills to face entirely new profit-and-loss calculations, according to the president of the Paper Division of the Brussels-based Bureau of International Recycling (BIR).

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Europe’s recycling future hads Rotterdam conference agenda

Sessions at Paper & Plastics Recycling Conference Europe, 15-16 November in Rotterdam, will focus in part on the growing role of EU policy on recycling collection, processing and trading. Targets, mandates and trade policies in the European Union, combined with corporate sustainability goals, are changing the way paperboard and plastic

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The paper value chain reached a 71.4% recycling rate in 2021

A new report shows the progress made by the European paper value chain towards recycling objectives, which are some of the most ambitious in the world. It also highlights the activities which have allowed for it to stay on track. By committing earlier this year to recycle 76% of all

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Italy reports more quiet paper and board business in June

Companies active on Italy’s paper and cartonboard markets are seeing a widespread market easing at the start of summer.  The paper industry is not necessarily in a laid-back mood about what is going on since prices for natural gas, recovered paper and pulp have risen once again in June. Suppliers

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BIR Convention: Paper Division president warns of export challenges

Officials said flows of recovered fiber are under “serious threat” from proposed changes to EU shipment legislation During the most recent Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) Paper Division meeting May 23, the committee was told major international flows of recovered fiber were under serious threat from proposed changes to European

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EU’s packaging rules revamp: towards a more sustainable future?

Reducing packaging waste is part of the Green Deal’s agenda to reach Europe’s climate neutrality goal. Brussels is working on revamping the bloc’s sustainable packaging rules – so called “PPWD” – expected in July, sparking worry from both industry and NGOs. The two fear the Commission will replicate some of

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